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PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 12:29 pm 

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Integration is a preferable aspect, but the basic requirement is respect for the culture of your host state.

I don't know a lot of ex pats in Cyprus who speak Greek, but the vast majority like it here just the way it is.

They may create their own little England in the bars and clubs, but they have no desire to change Cyprus or the Cypriots and they know that if the complain about Cypriot authorities not conducting their business in English they will be ignored or laughed at- burn a Cypriot flag in the street and you will be prosecuted

Some don't like that of course and they are the ones that usually end up going back "home"

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 12:36 pm 
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geoffreys wrote:
Wavy Dave wrote:
COYS wrote:
Everyone on here is against Sponging Foreigners in the UK, and I totally agree....But No one mentions the Biggest Spongers of all ...Yes Folks, the Royal Family...just google Prince Edwards House and get a glimpse of the benefits this lazy ,never worked in his life, sponger gets...add many many more of his relatives to the list.....I think its very Hypercritical of many on here to winge about the little man getting benefits, then bow down to the biggest ones of all.

Wondered when we would be hearing from you. :smilielol

Were you hoping you wouldn't be??
:celebrate :lol:
COYS has a very valid point though. For some time now I have said the Royal Family is these days superfluous and the argument they attract more tourist revenue than they cost is no longer valid.
I would favour a federal UK, although I don't know what the Scottish trouble maker would make of that suggestion, but I can imagine what she would say. I have never heard her views on the Royal Family, has anyone on the forum?

Geoff, with reference to your point re The Royal Family, can I respectfully ask that you read the information on the following website please. of_ the _British_royal_family#Taxation[/quote]

And your point is? I hope COYS reads it also.
The fact still remains they cost the UK taxpayer millions.
Actually, for me the finances are not the main issue.
The main issue is political, the Monarch rubber stamps all Govt legislation for example, So what is the point of that?
For me the Monarchy should have no legal standing regards the running of the country.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 12:38 pm 
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Ilex wrote:
Integration is a preferable aspect, but the basic requirement is respect for the culture of your host state.

I don't know a lot of ex pats in Cyprus who speak Greek, but the vast majority like it here just the way it is.

They may create their own little England in the bars and clubs, but they have no desire to change Cyprus or the Cypriots and they know that if the complain about Cypriot authorities not conducting their business in English they will be ignored or laughed at- burn a Cypriot flag in the street and you will be prosecuted

Some don't like that of course and they are the ones that usually end up going back "home"

:goodpost Well said Ilex. Summed up the situation in a nutshell. Incidentally, I did start to learn Greek, but a Cypriot friend of mine told me not to bother, as he laughingly said that they can rarely understand a British person's attempts at it, and it helped them to learn English better anyway!!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 12:51 pm 
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 1:16 pm 

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I don't like the notion of royalty, but there is very strong evidence to suggest that the royal family is self financing

Quite why millions of people want to turn up and gawp at over privileged nitwits I have no idea, let alone why they would buy silly mugs and plates with their photos on it, but that appears to be what happens and it appears to be more than self financing- bordering on hugely lucrative. :shock:

Real benefit spongers aren't lucrative, no matter how much of their benefits they spend on ciggies and staffies :lol:

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 1:23 pm 

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geoffreys wrote:
George wrote:
"The vast majority of immigrants to the UK pay there way and taxes in exactly the same way that you do here. "

Not so!! They may work, they may pay taxes, but overall they are a cost to the country. Thanks to the EU many claim in work benefits such as working tax credit, child benefit etc plus housing benefit. They also avail themselves of the NHS and schooling. Leaving the EU cuts this at a stroke. It also cancels the attraction for economic migrants.

Somewhere on here I published an article which proved this, it also proved that the heaviest burden actually falls on local authorities because taxes are paid into government coffers, but costs such as local medical services, housing, schooling are a cost to local authorities

The UK will now have the option to ensure that immigrants/migrants are able to support themselves and their families without being a burden to the existing taxpayers, they will also have the option to insert a qualifying period to ensure that they do not avail themselves of any benefits for a specified period in the future.

None of this is possible within the EU.

How very true.
Contrast those migrants to the UK with us British retirees, in effect migrants to Cyprus.
We are no cost at all to Cyprus, in fact we are a financial gain to Cyprus:
1. We pay Cyprus taxes on our worldwide income, including pensions.
2. We bring out capital to buy property here to live in.
3. We bring out pensions and savings to live on, boosting the local economy.
4. UK pays Cyprus for any health care costs we might cause Cyprus to incur.


Which is of course why the Cypriot Government will never repatriate any British ExPats, they would be crazy to do so
as it would have a major detrimental impact to the Cypriot economy. The UK government wants to guarantee the
right to stay of all current EU migrants in the UK, but quite rightly they won't do that unless there is a reciprocal
agreement for Brits in the EU. Once the UK is out of the EU then any EU immigrants can be vetted - just as we are
before we can reside in Cyprus - to ensure that they will not be a drain on UK resources. To me that makes total

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 3:39 pm 
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Wondered when we would be hearing from you. :smilielol[/quote]
Were you hoping you wouldn't be??
:celebrate :lol:
COYS has a very valid point though. For some time now I have said the Royal Family is these days superfluous and the argument they attract more tourist revenue than they cost is no longer valid.
I would favour a federal UK, although I don't know what the Scottish trouble maker would make of that suggestion, but I can imagine what she would say. I have never heard her views on the Royal Family, has anyone on the forum?

Geoff, with reference to your point re The Royal Family, can I respectfully ask that you read the information on the following website please. of_ the _British_royal_family#Taxation[/quote]

And your point is? I hope COYS reads it also.
The fact still remains they cost the UK taxpayer millions.
Actually, for me the finances are not the main issue.
The main issue is political, the Monarch rubber stamps all Govt legislation for example, So what is the point of that?
For me the Monarchy should have no legal standing regards the running of the country.

Geoff, my point was I just wanted you to read the information in case you weren't aware of it, thus the reason I asked you respectfully to read it. I do believe that without a monarchy we would lead ourselves into a dictatorship, and I heard recently when the Queen ok'd the triggering of Article 50, that it is over 300 years since a Monarch refused to agree signing a proposal from Parliament. Thus she is really only a figurehead. Also, The Queen in particular, I believe, brings in 100's of millions of £'s to this country by the very manner of her courtesy to other countries, and also that so many other nationalities admire our system of succession to the throne.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 4:01 pm 
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For Wavy Dave:
Thanks for that link.
Dictatorship Eh!!?? I doubt that would happen if we dumped the Monarchy, or if we didn't dump them.
Regards if they pay their way I can find stuff on the net suggesting they do and some that say they don't.
So let us assume they are a break-even entity.
Now if we had a Monarch like Queen Victoria - now there was a strong woman. She is the sort of Monarch I WOULD support! and be happy to pay for.
Queen Vic + Mrs May - unbeatable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:08 pm 
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For those who think that getting rid of the monarchy is a good idea, I have only two words of comment: 'President Blair' - enough said?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 7:11 pm 

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Pretty much every facet of immigration, multiculturalism and benefit dependency in the UK needs to be reappraised in light of current events and the popular objections to previously unstoppable trends (of which Blair was unquestionably an instigator and of which Brexit was an inevitable symptom)

Politicians, the wealthy, the vested interests and the “I’m all right Jack” brigade have become immune to the worst aspects of globalisation and mass immigration and relish the benefits of equity funded or "final salary" pension sponsored emigration. They find the current set up hugely to their benefit- they are at the top of the pyramid selling scam (or first in on the Ponzi Scheme if you prefer)

Many ordinary Brits do not see it that way. Granted it’s difficult to even work out who or what “ordinary” British people are these days, but I suspect and hope they are still majority (although less silent than they once were )

We sure as hell have more vacuous celebrities and wannabes than we ever had, but ordinary people just want a reasonable paying job, the earning capacity to buy an adequate house and enough disposable income to have a couple of kids.

So let us try and dispel one widely and wildly touted myth about immigration by the liberal clique. All immigration is not an economic boon. Even if an employee pays all their taxes and NI they have to earn about £34,000 pa to make them a net contributor to society (that figure assumes that the multi national companies employing them are also paying their corporation tax)

If an immigrant worker does not earn that level of income they are not an economic boon-they are taking a job from an indigenous worker who could do the same job if the benefits alternative wasn’t so “attractive”. If they are willing to do it cheaper that boosts profits corporate profits at the expense of the tax payer and if they can avoid taxes on those profits so much the better (for them) Anyone earning less than £34,000 does not reduce hospital waiting list or increase the housing stock - they lengthen the list and increase the cost of renting a house

Sad to say the politicians in the UK (and yes this is all a political experiment, not an exercise in common sense) have managed to create millions of deluded debt ridden university graduates into believing that by lending them £40,000 in university fees and loans (money borrowed from the international money markets and reflected in the National Debt) will give them the opportunity to avoid doing a job they have been told they no longer have to do, without telling them the alternative career won’t enable them to buy a pokey bedsit in London

I am no conspiracy theorist but UK is very broken and divided, I suspect much of is by political design rather than simple incompetence, and there is a media,a judiciary and a political establishment that has very little financial or moral interest in changing that (because ordinary people’s problems are no longer their problems)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 7:56 pm 
KG wrote:
For those who think that getting rid of the monarchy is a good idea, I have only two words of comment: 'President Blair' - enough said?

For those thinking of keeping the monarchy is a good idea, I have a few words to say....King Charles the one who wanted to be a Tampon...enough said :crylaughin :crylaughin :crylaughin

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 8:17 pm 
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:uk Ilex .... Wow !
A very lucid explanation of the facts .... logical and psychological dissection of the current UK population.

Geoff .... Uh ?
So you prefer a Monarch who was rarely seen and who 'upped sticks' to the Isle of Wight during a long period of depression, with little concern for the running of her Empire.
Would you not consider that the present Monarch has been at the forefront of her people, being in the public eye and promoting the nation via several engagements daily; respected for her astute knowledge, gained during her long life (no retirement), by many throughout the world ?

KG & COYS....
I think immediate abdication should be in order at that stage.
A weak character and an unreliable partner. His expertise could still be used re. farming etc..
A good reason for 'skipping' a generation.
Much preferred to a Presidential option ... Many which evolve into Dictatorships.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:19 pm 
[quote="SFD"]:uk Ilex .... Wow !
A very lucid explanation of the facts .... logical and psychological dissection of the current UK population.

Geoff .... Uh ?
So you prefer a Monarch who was rarely seen and who 'upped sticks' to the Isle of Wight during a long period of depression, with little concern for the running of her Empire.
Would you not consider that the present Monarch has been at the forefront of her people, being in the public eye and promoting the nation via several engagements daily; respected for her astute knowledge, gained during her long life (no retirement), by many throughout the world ?

KG & COYS....
I think immediate abdication should be in order at that stage.
A weak character and an unreliable partner. His expertise could still be used re. farming etc..
A good reason for 'skipping' a generation.
Much preferred to a Presidential option ... Many which evolve into Dictatorships.[/quote

How many Dictators in Europe......apart from Turkeys nutter not many.....

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:31 pm 
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COYS quote :- "How many Dictators in Europe......apart from Turkeys nutter not many".

Too many who would like to be .... if given the chance. ;)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:42 pm 
SFD wrote:
COYS quote :- "How many Dictators in Europe......apart from Turkeys nutter not many".

Too many who would like to be .... if given the chance. ;)

you might have a point.... but to me the days of a bunch of inbred European Royals...running the show ...are well and truly gone.....its 2017 not 1217.....the days of bowing and curtsying are long gone to any one with an ounce of self respect.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:51 pm 
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COYS wrote:
SFD wrote:
COYS quote :- "How many Dictators in Europe......apart from Turkeys nutter not many".

Too many who would like to be .... if given the chance. ;)

you might have a point.... but to me the days of a bunch of inbred European Royals...running the show ...are well and truly gone.....its 2017 not 1217.....the days of bowing and curtsying are long gone to any one with an ounce of self respect.

I don't 'bow & scrape' to anyone !
But I do respect the work of anyone promoting my own nation, as the Royals try to do.
The "Royals", you refer to, are in such a position .... but I disagree with your comment .... "running the show".
That is the job of the elected Parliament.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:24 pm 
SFD wrote:
COYS wrote:
SFD wrote:
COYS quote :- "How many Dictators in Europe......apart from Turkeys nutter not many".

Too many who would like to be .... if given the chance. ;)

you might have a point.... but to me the days of a bunch of inbred European Royals...running the show ...are well and truly gone.....its 2017 not 1217.....the days of bowing and curtsying are long gone to any one with an ounce of self respect.

I don't 'bow & scrape' to anyone !
But I do respect the work of anyone promoting my own nation, as the Royals try to do.
The "Royals", you refer to, are in such a position .... but I disagree with your comment .... "running the show".
That is the job of the elected Parliament.

Wasn't it Prince Andrew who was given the job to circle the World as some sort of trade ambassador...If I remember correctly the only trade he managed to get was filling his Bank account with brown envelopes from very dodgy dictators I said in my opinion they've had their day....but I guess we should agree to disagree,

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:37 pm 
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COYS quote:- "
Wasn't it Prince Andrew who was given the job to circle the World as some sort of trade ambassador...If I remember correctly the only trade he managed to get was filling his Bank account with brown envelopes from very dodgy dictators I said in my opinion they've had their day....but I guess we should agree to disagree"

No, COYS .... we do agree that there will always be 'opportunists' in all walks of life .... We just have to 'weed them out', whenever we find them.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 8:48 am 
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Artlin, the more you post, the more you give us an insight into your 'thought' processes, disturbed as they are apparently.

There are several instances where you give clues to your real location & I would also suggest, your nationality, albeit no-doubt unintentionally.

I would hazard to guess, given your verbal assault on expats, that not only are you a confused hypocrite, but a jealous one to boot!

Probably of the ilk that get pleasure from marking expats cars with their keys, or knives.

I'll be back!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 3:05 pm 

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Topgun wrote:
Artlin, the more you post, the more you give us an insight into your 'thought' processes, disturbed as they are apparently.

There are several instances where you give clues to your real location & I would also suggest, your nationality, albeit no-doubt unintentionally.

I would hazard to guess, given your verbal assault on expats, that not only are you a confused hypocrite, but a jealous one to boot!

Probably of the ilk that get pleasure from marking expats cars with their keys, or knives.

I will get back to you regarding this post.

OK ... I think that is now sorted.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 3:48 pm 
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Topgun wrote:
Artlin, the more you post, the more you give us an insight into your 'thought' processes, disturbed as they are apparently.

There are several instances where you give clues to your real location & I would also suggest, your nationality, albeit no-doubt unintentionally.

I would hazard to guess, given your verbal assault on expats, that not only are you a confused hypocrite, but a jealous one to boot!

Probably of the ilk that get pleasure from marking expats cars with their keys, or knives.

:agree :goodpost Wonder Topgun, if he pontificates on every countries' expat website around the world, as he(or she - we don't know do we?), obviously hates expats.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 7:34 pm 

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Seriously people. There is just no reasoning with some folk.

Clearly you see yourselves as colonial expatriates (that is the correct term) who can go anywhere in the world, do anything, tell others what to do, where ever and whenever you like. Harking back to a day when most of the map was PINK.

"I've paid my taxes" is a classic answer to everything.

Unfortunately, not everybody sees it your way.

So, I will try to put MY point again. In as simple terms as possible.

This is what I objected to :-

Snowflakes & others of a 'liberal luvvie' persuasion might wish to turn away now! :england
wake up the UK, fight back, regain your country and your culture before evil destroys it.

The original poster implying that anyone who disagrees with the Kate Hopkins article is either a SNOWFLAKE OR A LIBERAL LUVVIE and another member then telling the residents of the UK to FIGHT BACK ETC.

Well, I don't like people who live in another country telling me what to do, why is that so difficult to understand?

The article itself was about multiculturism not working. She really does not explain why, seems to be blaming it on the london Mayor. Not clear why she thinks it is hes fault,

The perpetrator of the Westminster killings was a British citizen.

For some reason members on here want to blame Immigrants, EU workers, the Royal Family, uncle tom cobbly!

As with most threads of this type, they get twisted and distorted to suit peoples ideals.

Why is it so difficult to stick to the point of discussion.

It has been said that I "hate expats" and "berate expats". Where? Just because someone does not "100%" agree with your way of thinking does not mean that someone HATES you.

Once again, I will try to put my point across in simple terms.

You do not have the right to tell citizens of Britain how to behave in their own country. Not when you are living a "live of luxury" on a Mediterranean island. It does not matter how much tax you have paid or who you paid it to. You also do not have the right to insult people with name calling and implications that they commit acts of willful vandalism.

Is that simple enough for you?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 9:03 am 
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You do not have the right to tell citizens of Britain how to behave in their own country.

I'd agree with you artlin, if in fact I was attempting to do this.

However, as I am in possession of a British passport, born in the UK & resident there for a long time prior to moving to Cyprus, am still entitled to vote in elections & referrendums, I think I am entitled to take a view on the situation that has been allowed (indeed actively encouraged by said snowflakes & liberal luvvies) to develop there.

You on the other hand are apparently too afraid to disclose your real location, feel entitled to voice your opinions on situations affecting a nation that you probably only encounter when you leave Cyprus briefly for work, or maybe for (dare I say it) educational reasons (given the benefit of the obvious doubt on the latter).

I'll be back!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 10:38 am 
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Topgun wrote:
You do not have the right to tell citizens of Britain how to behave in their own country.

I'd agree with you artlin, if in fact I was attempting to do this.

However, as I am in possession of a British passport, born in the UK & resident there for a long time prior to moving to Cyprus, am still entitled to vote in elections & referrendums, I think I am entitled to take a view on the situation that has been allowed (indeed actively encouraged by said snowflakes & liberal luvvies) to develop there.

You on the other hand are apparently too afraid to disclose your real location, feel entitled to voice your opinions on situations affecting a nation that you probably only encounter when you leave Cyprus briefly for work, or maybe for (dare I say it) educational reasons (given the benefit of the obvious doubt on the latter).

:goodpost :clap :congrats Well said Topgun. Same situation I have as you have, although now expect a barrage from he or she of inexplicable verbal abuse and loathing!!!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 10:49 am 

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Topgun wrote:

I'd agree with you artlin, if in fact I was attempting to do this

I never said YOU did

You on the other hand are apparently too afraid to disclose your real location,

I already have! Try reading the above posts

Feel entitled to voice your opinions on situations affecting a nation that you probably only encounter when you leave Cyprus

why would I leave Cyprus if I do not live there?briefly for work, or maybe for (dare I say it) educational reasons (given the benefit of the obvious doubt on the latter)
Goodness, you have an over active imagination! You really should get out more.

How often do we meet people (strangers or existing aquaintansies ) and you strike up a conversation only to find the other person is not listening to a word you are saying. Indeed, all they ever want to do is tell you their woes, their medical issues or maybe, for the lucky ones, their previous cruise around the Caribbean!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 12:27 pm 

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I remember as a lad we had a pretty strict regime at school. It wasn't brutal but it was strict, and there is a big difference.

There was no exception for anyone on any of the curriculum unless it was medical and it seemed to work pretty well for everyone. These days it is of course all changed and exceptions seem to be the rule, particularly it seems on religious grounds.

Two of the most important jobs in society are teaching and policing - these days political correctness has made effective policing and teaching virtually impossible, with the implications that has for society as a whole, and you'd have to be a special kind of stupid to become a school dinner lady by the time you'd worked out who can or can't eat what :crylaughin

Here's how the Muslim Council of Britain see Islam being integrated into British society and culture at school level- not sure which one was the most ridiculous, although cancelling swimming during Ramadan in case anyone accidentally swallowing water breaks the fasting code seems particularly silly :lol:

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:31 pm 
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It seems to me that most of the places I have lived or worked in [including Cyprus] have intuitively adopted a very sensible attitude to expat integration, inasmuch as language [and acculturation to a lesser extent] follows the direction of the money.

If someone in any country wants to part me from my hard-earned cash it seems totally appropriate that the transaction be done in my language and on my terms, otherwise I simply take my business somewhere I feel more comfortable. The same applies in reverse if I am relying on my adopted country to provide me with money, either in terms of employment, or state benefits etc., it seems entirely appropriate that they should require me to learn the language, and accept whatever cultural or legal mores that entails.

That is why comparing the cultural integration of the average UK expat living in Cyprus with the integration of a refugee or economic migrant to the UK is such a pointless exercise.

It seems to me that various political elements in the UK have deliberately abandoned the integration strategy of every other country in the world [although Sweden and Germany recently seem to have adopted the British model, with disastrous consequences] and completely ignored the second side of the integration 'equation'

When I left the UK 10 years ago instructions on availing oneself of 'free' [i.e. taxpayer funded] services from the local authority were available in 26 different languages, and I'm sure that figure hasn't gone down, and all of the local and central government initiatives seemed to be aimed at ensuring even the minimal integration constraints placed on new residents were reduced to the point of invisibility.

More insidiously, and much more dangerously, to amplify Ilex's point, was that when I left the UK there were at least [i.e. to my certain knowledge] 50 Sharia courts operating in the UK, and that is another number I can't see having reduced over the last ten years.

I was recently made aware of a case heard at a London sharia court where a woman seeking a divorce from an abusive husband was told that not only would she not be granted one because she claimed her husband had raped her and a husband cannot rape a wife under sharia [it is, of course an offence under UK law] but that if she tried either to have her husband prosecuted or sought a civil divorce in UK court [and then subsequently had a relationship] then she would be considered faithless, and an adulteress, both of which are crimes under sharia and important enough to carry a penalty in Sharia run countries of lashes [for the former] or death by stoning [for the latter].

Which I personally found quite scary, and another indication [were one needed] of just how deeply the multi-cultural experiment in the UK has so deeply failed all it's residents, native or immigrant

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:33 pm 
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Artlin, I don't know (or care) what meds you are on, but I'd suggest you top-up the dose as their effects are clearly wearing off!

I strongly recommend you revisiting what you posted & refreshing your memory.

The bottom line from me is really that;
1. I don't believe you live in London, unless on the basis I suggested.
2. I don't think from your style of written narrative that you are a UK national by birth.
3. Therefore I don't think YOU have any ground upon which to question me about my views on my country of origin.

End of!

I'll be back!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:48 pm 
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geoffreys wrote:
Wavy Dave wrote:
COYS wrote:
Everyone on here is against Sponging Foreigners in the UK, and I totally agree....But No one mentions the Biggest Spongers of all ...Yes Folks, the Royal Family...just google Prince Edwards House and get a glimpse of the benefits this lazy ,never worked in his life, sponger gets...add many many more of his relatives to the list.....I think its very Hypercritical of many on here to winge about the little man getting benefits, then bow down to the biggest ones of all.

Wondered when we would be hearing from you. :smilielol

Were you hoping you wouldn't be??
:celebrate :lol:
COYS has a very valid point though. For some time now I have said the Royal Family is these days superfluous and the argument they attract more tourist revenue than they cost is no longer valid.
I would favour a federal UK, although I don't know what the Scottish trouble maker would make of that suggestion, but I can imagine what she would say. I have never heard her views on the Royal Family, has anyone on the forum?

Geoff, with reference to your point re The Royal Family, can I respectfully ask that you read the information on the following website please. of_ the _British_royal_family#Taxation[/quote]

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:53 pm 
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For Artlin:
I have read all your posts and I am still not sure of the following:
1. What is your nationality?
2. Where were you born?
3. Where do you live?

I would be grateful if you could kindly reply answering the above.
Just to make it fair:
1. I am British.
2. I was born in London, England.
3. I live in the Republic of Cyprus.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:14 pm 

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I thought that you were from Scarborough?


PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:43 pm 

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Topgun wrote:
Artlin, I don't know (or care) what meds you are on, but I'd suggest you top-up the dose as their effects are clearly wearing off!

I strongly recommend you revisiting what you posted & refreshing your memory.

The bottom line from me is really that;
1. I don't believe you live in London, unless on the basis I suggested.
2. I don't think from your style of written narrative that you are a UK national by birth.
3. Therefore I don't think YOU have any ground upon which to question me about my views on my country of origin.

End of!

To be absolutely honest with, TOPGUN, I really could not care less what you think or believe?

You do seem to think, however, that it quite acceptable to keep insulting people. What a rude, conceited, bigotted individual you must be.

Topgun ..... a film starring Tom Cruise, a midget actor, about jet fighter pilots. Terminator. .... a film starring Arnie Schwartzawotsit. About a robot machine trying to kill a young boy and a woman.

Is that how you see yourself? Big tough MACHO guy!!

I have this image in my head of a 70 something, retired schoolteacher who's only friend is a mangy mongrel and, of course, Wavy Dave. Sitting in a basement room acting out fantasies by being a "keyboard warrior".

BTW, Geoff, it is absolutely none of you business where I live or where I was born. Do other members on here have to declare that information? I don't think so.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:57 pm 
Top of the pops

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artlin wrote:
Topgun wrote:
Artlin, I don't know (or care) what meds you are on, but I'd suggest you top-up the dose as their effects are clearly wearing off!

I strongly recommend you revisiting what you posted & refreshing your memory.

The bottom line from me is really that;
1. I don't believe you live in London, unless on the basis I suggested.
2. I don't think from your style of written narrative that you are a UK national by birth.
3. Therefore I don't think YOU have any ground upon which to question me about my views on my country of origin.

End of!

To be absolutely honest with, TOPGUN, I really could not care less what you think or believe?

Topgun ..... a film starring Tom Cruise, a midget actor, about jet fighter pilots. Terminator. .... a film starring Arnie Schwartzawotsit. About a robot machine trying to kill a young boy and a woman.

Is that how you see yourself? Big tough MACHO guy!!

I have this image in my head of a 70 something, retired schoolteacher who's only friend is a mangy mongrel and, of course, Wavy Dave. Sitting in a basement room acting out fantasies by being a "keyboard warrior".

BTW, Geoff, it is absolutely none of you business where I live or where I was born. Do other members on here have to declare that information? I don't think so.

No "artlin" you have it wrong. I do not live in a basement room, but if you want to meet me any day, then pm me, as you are so obviously some sort of troll who enjoy going on foreign websites to stir people up, but then you are not up to meeting people you abuse are you? I suggest you are in your lower, lower basement room on your keyboard. Either your fingers or your keyboard should be worn out soon. Some of the people you have abused on here with your acrimonious comments are very much respected by the "real members" on here. :there :pow :smilielol

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 3:09 pm 
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I must have missed the handbag SALE.
There flying around on this topic.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 3:25 pm 
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Paul & Lesley wrote:
I must have missed the handbag SALE.
There flying around on this topic.

Paul, I think it has gone beyond a joking matter, and if you read the postings by the "abuser" you will see what I mean. Enough is enough.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 3:50 pm 
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Uncle D wrote:
I thought that you were from Scarborough?

I was born in London.
I was then adopted when 3 months old, and brought up in Scarborough, N.Yorks..

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 4:12 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:51 am
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Spot on PeteG

I don't know what the objection to the terms "snowflake" or "luvvie" could be - seems they are no more than euphemisms for "moron" or "Quisling" ;)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 4:25 pm 
I love forums, we have
Armchair Politicians
Armchair Financiers
Armchair Generals
and now Armchair hand bags at dawn..... :rocky

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 5:52 pm 

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artlin wrote:

You do not have the right to tell citizens of Britain how to behave in their own country.

Unless of course your name happens to be Jean Claude Juncker.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 8:17 pm 
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To Dave & Neil, Some members will always have an opinion which varies from others, for example I have disagreed with Geoff and visa versa but we respect each others views, but this is not getting out of hand, there is now hostility which borders upon general abuse which on other forums would not be tolerated and dealt with.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 10:09 pm 
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OK enough is enough…….it’s Red and Yellow card time.

Those already on a Yellow card could experience Neil’s falling axe (you know who you are) or at the least a ‘3 month time out’ in the sin bin.

Please don’t be under the illusion that if you are a long term member or post an inordinate amount you are exempt… the axe will fall just the same.

Warnings and suspensions will shortly be arriving by PM

If you are given a warning, please don’t start with “it wasn’t me, it was him / her!” “They insulted me first”. “Why am I getting a warning and they aren’t? “
You don’t know and have no idea what is happening in the background by PM's and emails so please don’t assume anything.

Moira And Dave

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

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