Paphos People

Tory Manifesto
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Author:  Coach [ Mon Jun 12, 2017 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Tory Manifesto

So what was/is the point of a Manifesto if at the first opportunity you are going to ignore it or change it 4 days after you won the election? ... -prepares/ ... festo.html

Is it any wonder that the general population have no faith in politicians?

Author:  geoffreys [ Mon Jun 12, 2017 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tory Manifesto

Coach wrote:
So what was/is the point of a Manifesto if at the first opportunity you are going to ignore it or change it 4 days after you won the election? ... -prepares/ ... festo.html

Is it any wonder that the general population have no faith in politicians?


Author:  Fylde Filly [ Mon Jun 12, 2017 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tory Manifesto

Tough titty then if you voted for having new grammar schools....

This has to be the worst and best UK election for years. The rest of the world must be :crylaughin at us right now :doh

Plans to scrap triple lock on pensions and repeal on foxhunting ban to be ditched
PM's dream of creating a new set of grammar schools is also set to be shelved
Instead Queen's Speech will focus mainly on narrow agenda of Brexit and terrorĀ 

Ah well, at least mother Theresa plans to save the world :rocky

Author:  geoffreys [ Mon Jun 12, 2017 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tory Manifesto

Now we learn that the Queen's Speech has been delayed, one assumes because of the difficulty in compiling one that contains only items the DUP can agree to.
Also, apparently the Queen's Speech has to be written on goatskin parchment paper (vellum), which takes a week to dry. This is because vellum lasts longer than regular paper made from trees.
What the heck does it matter if for once it is written on 80 gsm A4, and then stored digitally?
So sorry Mr Junker and mates, you'll have to wait for the Brexit talks to commence until our vellum dries.
It is all getting a bit silly!
So I'll be a bit silly. Let's have Corbyn as PM and the UK stay in the EU - then all will be OK. :lol:

Author:  Fylde Filly [ Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tory Manifesto

It's okay Geoff, the Queen's speech is no longer written on vellum. They use high quality parchment these days....

Author:  artlin [ Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tory Manifesto

Geoff, that is not silly at all. Makes a lot of sense to me.

Parchment? I love a bit of quality parchment when doing my calligraphy.

Grammar schools was that Nick fellas pet project, rather than a Government idea. That is because he is a director of the company that promotes free schools. Well there's a surprise.

Author:  Topgun [ Tue Jun 13, 2017 7:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tory Manifesto

So what was/is the point of a Manifesto if at the first opportunity you are going to ignore it or change it 4 days after you won the election?

So a Manifesto doesn't become "the will of the people" who voted for it, post-election?

This is both good & bad news; a) good because that drivel concocted by Labour was undeliverable anyway & b) bad because the winning party said that this is what they intended to do!

So we are effectively, the voting public, left with a worse situation than before the election.

I fervently hope that the Queen vocalises her displeasure at the evident duplicity of the campaigns conducted by both major parties & the derogotary effect upon the reputation of the British nation in the eyes of the world.

Where do we go from here?

Personally I don't think I'll make any more effort to vote, as 'the peoples will' appears only to be recognised if it coincides with the opinion of the 'political elite' - whomsoever this frequently used term is meant to embrace. Surely it cannot include the present crowd of disingenuous pond life collectively termed 'Politicians'?

Author:  outasite [ Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tory Manifesto

I do like to read your posts Topgun. :greetings

However I have to refute that they are pond life. Ponds can hold many varieties of life not all of it bad. Breakdown politics.........Poly = many Tics = Blood Sucking Insects. And most of them would try to get blood out of a stone if they could.

Sadly Her Maj will not voice her displeasure as she is probably not allowed to.

And the public having no faith in politicians per the OP thread? I have had no faith in any politician whatsoever, ever. They are snout in trough charlatans whatever their "political persuasion". these are people who happily give public servants nothing in the way of a pay rise, cut services to the bone, yet wringing their hands state that they are OBLIGED to accept an 11 per cent rise in their basic salaries because they are not allowed to refuse it. Then they expect the Great British Public to swallow all that (censored). Have a pop at them and it is water off a duck's back. They are immune to criticism, they have no honour or half the Commons would never enter it and the other half would resign forthwith.
I hate his socialist politics, but I have great respect for one politician...Dennis Skinner. Long may he stay.

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