Paphos People

Fear & Abuse
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Author:  lowvoltage [ Fri Oct 09, 2020 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Fear & Abuse

The UK has now become bitter, nasty and intolerant of others, Covid Fear, if you click on the link below and read you will see what abuse Simon Calder has experienced.

Simon is English but he loves Wales, all he was trying to do was promote the tourist industry, trying to do some good by boosting the economy, now he got abuse he will never travel to Wales again.

Something similar happened in Scotland, at the border near Gretna there were banners saying English stay out, what is up with folk, there could be a case made about England not wanting either nations but we do not.

Sad, sad times, anyway read and form your own opinion. :-(

Author:  beverley [ Fri Oct 09, 2020 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fear & Abuse

Covid 19 has bred fear and intolerance by all sides.
Those who could be seriously affected by catching it are self isolating after months of shielding and are naturally fairly peeved by those in denial that it even exists!
Then you have all the conspiracy theorists suggesting it is a world plan to dominate us all .
I don't know why people cannot make a small sacrifice to protect both themselves and others, what a miserably selfish world we live in now.

Author:  migmogs [ Fri Oct 09, 2020 10:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fear & Abuse

Covid 19 appears to have brought out the worst feral behavior globally

You only have to read and watch the news see that worldwide disgraceful behavior that is now happening daily

I also understand ...people who are trying to protect their areas from the covid 19 virus...not wanting people to come into their areas that they feel are safe!
They are frightened...and do not want to either catch the virus for themselves or their loved ones to catch it.

Sadly the BBC,s betrayal of all things covid ...has shown English people especially have not cared less about the virus...they have seen them on the beaches....out in the streets partying eg latest Liverpool raves....marching and rioting....all whilst we are in a global pandemic...which is wrong the vast majority of English do care a lot and behave with great is the minorities who are behaving badly...But the majority once again is thwarted !

Over here ....we see over and over ...the older expats especially ...arriving fresh from the planes...all hugging and kissing all of their friends distancing through the they for some strange reason all seem to think that covid 19 isn,t here in Cyprus also one behaving badly ...but come on folks we are in a global pandemic!
The rules are simple...wear your mask....wash your hands...keep your distance

We shake our heads in disbelief!

The world as we all know it right now is off kilter ...and will remain off kilter until the covid 19 virus has been brought under control

After having continued to distance from all of our friends since last March ...I wouldn,t want people from hotspots visiting where I live either

Just my thoughts by the way

Author:  M.A.D [ Sat Oct 10, 2020 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fear & Abuse


Author:  migmogs [ Sat Oct 10, 2020 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fear & Abuse


Turn off the corrupt, negative and biased BBC News
Whose only agenda is to cause dissension and unrest

Author:  Glang3000 [ Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fear & Abuse

I agree about the BBC, in the not to distant past you could trust the BBC tell give you a good honest picture of a situation, no frills, now it's all sensationalist rubbish. worse than the newspapers who were always blamed for it.

Author:  Old Twister [ Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fear & Abuse

Glang3000 wrote:
I agree about the BBC, in the not to distant past you could trust the BBC tell give you a good honest picture of a situation, no frills, now it's all sensationalist rubbish. worse than the newspapers who were always blamed for it.

Sky News UK are like that too, but if you look at Sky News Australia it's just the opposite. Think there are some examples on Utube.

Author:  tanny [ Sun Oct 11, 2020 8:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fear & Abuse

Its an incredible situation of fantasyland when you have to decide whether the 'news' being served to you is actual or bulox.

Author:  lowvoltage [ Sun Oct 11, 2020 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fear & Abuse

I know this is going back in time and slightly off topic, the media are very good at distorting the facts to suit their own agenda, I will give you an example without going into too much detail.

In 1975 I was on the streets in Northern Ireland, we had an incident that I was directly involved in, the next day later I flew back home for 7 days R&R (was due that, it was not connected to the incident).

I was sat at home with my parents when the incident appeared on the BBC news, I was stunned with the report and said to my parents "It did not happen like that, I know I was involved" I told my parents what actually happened, they could not believe it I will not go any further as what they said about it.

Ever since then I have never trusted what the BBC puts out, you want to be grateful you do not have to pay for a TV license £157.50 as at now using exchange rate of 1.08 that is €170.10

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