Paphos People

Pay as you throw scheme
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Author:  Mouse [ Fri Feb 16, 2024 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Pay as you throw scheme

A Cyprus mail article discusses implimentation of this scheme, on the face of it , a good idea , which will help to a degree. I think the EU/government should also attack this recyling problem at scource too ! The consumer is being bombarded with ever greater amounts of unnecessary single use packaging , i feel legislation should be implemented to decrease this . They should look to the past when bottles , containers, bags etc were reused . Putting a deposit on glass and plastic bottles WORKS in a few countries in Europe, so why not here ? I reuse shopping bags from supermarkets , the bigger heavier ones still only 6 cents tend to last about 20 usages at least and fold up very small inrpto my shoulder bag , i often carry about 5 of these.
Overall i see " pay as you throw" as a very basic and simplistic approach ! Those in power should really give it more thought.

Author:  Glang3000 [ Fri Feb 16, 2024 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay as you throw scheme

I hope you are correct but I think it will lead to even more illegal dumping as people won't pay for the bags. I think the only way to get people to recycle is free doorstep collection.

At the moment we have big communal bins for the rubbish but if we want to recycle, as I do, we have to bag it and drive around trying to find recycle points that are not too full so I can see why many don't bother.

Author:  Mouse [ Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay as you throw scheme

Yes i am sure it will lead to more dumping ! Sadly this is a more a reflection of attitudes and less of the scheme. Every day people drive past and dump their fastfood crap out of the car window into the bushes opposite . I am sure their cars are very clean and shiney ! Matbe we should dump crap in their cars ?
It just seems we should work to produce less waste as opposed to finding clever new ways of disposing of it ? Guess thats why i am not a politician, i dont think backwards .

Author:  Glang3000 [ Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay as you throw scheme

Politicians don't think backwards, they just think of themselves.

Author:  Alexis [ Sun Feb 18, 2024 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay as you throw scheme

I wish the authorities would concentrate on cleaning/clearing areas of household rubbish rather than introduce yet another scheme that will only encourage people to dump even more refuse.

So much money and effort being spent to make Paphos a 'smart district' whereas I am sure everyone would like a cleaner one. As for promoting tourism - such a shame Cyprus has so much to offer a wide range of visitors, yet instead of admiring the scenery all they see is rubbish and household refuse.

As it is people are too lazy to take their rubbish and put it in the nearest green bin - far easier to chuck your used coffee container on the ground and keep on walking / driving.

Author:  Glang3000 [ Sun Feb 18, 2024 11:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay as you throw scheme

They don't even see it, a good friend of mine, a Cypriot, bought 2 plots to build 2 houses for his 2 daughters, when I went to see the finished houses he had built the one on the left to the left of the plot and the one to the right more to the right then he had a big area in the middle, I asked him had he done that so he could build another house in the middle and he said no, over the years they will have many things to throw out so they can throw it there.

I could not believe he was being serious but yes he was.

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