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 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:06 pm 
Rock Star

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Don't believe what you read in the Mail or Express. The nation is now more divided than before . Scotland will soon be independent and the rUK will soon find out how much they depended only Scotland.

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:19 pm 
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Zorba I'm a great believer in the old epithet - believe nothing that you read, half of what you hear and everything you see.

Get a reality check on Sturgeon, she simply believes everything good about Scotland, the rest she blames on England. Time will tell.

I truly wish Scotland no harm, I strongly believe in the Union and passionately want Scotland to stay, but I fear Sturgeon may well be the undoing of both Scotland and the Union, which in my opinion would be a great shame.

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:20 pm 

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The Scottish Parliament was elected with a 55% turnout, the Scottish independence referendum had a 85% turnout- that was meant to be the once in a generation vote where the really serious issue was determined and it was reflected in the turnout

The Scottish Parliament has indeed given the SNP the chance to show they can run Scotland, the SNP have taken that opportunity to show they cannot run a bath.

If the SNP want another independence referendum then let them put that issue to the Scottish electorate in a Scottish election with that and the reason why they want one in a manifesto (along with a clear outline of the economic and political options, not just a load of made up blustering baloney). If they get a majority on the basis of such a vote then by all means hold another referendum, but the reality is that if Sturgeon did that she'd get the bum's rush- which is precisely why she won't do it .

I know that, Sturgeon knows that everyone else with a brain knows that- quite why anyone else would think differently I can only guess, because that is how you do the democratic process properly :roll:

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:22 pm 
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Scotland have
Free prescriptions
Free Tuition at Universities
Free Bus Passes to women aged 60
Free new Breast Cancer Treatment not being rolled out in England
to name a few

Scotland do not do badly from the rest of the uk
and how sad that you would want to divide a unique and beautiful United kingdom
I am glad that my Scottish friends think differently as they absolutely want to remain part of the UK
and they completly cannot stand Sturgeon...saying that she and the SNP do not stand for them the Scottish people

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:43 pm 
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zorbathejock wrote:
Ilex wrote:
I remember Sturgeon saying May was not an elected PM and as such did not have a Brexit mandate :lol: - that's about to change very quickly

If only Sturgeon would give the Scots the same option to see how her "mandate" for independence stands :roll: - but there is absolutely no chance of that happening , is there :roll:

More MSP's than the unionists combined. How big a mandate do you need?. Majority in Holyrood for an independence referendum. Let's have no more talk of a "once in a generation" referendum after May's " no snap election"

And if Scotland again says no to independence what then? Another referendum because it rained , or the sun shone, or well, any reason really? or will they just resort to the age old answer and blame England?

And the Oscar goes to........

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:12 am 

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I would suggest the election (for the people in the UK at least) will be more about austerity, the NHS, Education and the rising cost of living rather than Brexit which I personally believe is less important to those who live in the UK rather than those sitting on the sidelines.


 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:37 am 

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All those are indeed important issues that are ongoing and could have been tackled without the need for a general election- it is however the constant bleating and wilful obstruction of the democratic process by the last of the Blairites and the bitter remainers that have caused it to happen and it is that issue which will most effect the result.

We we still have a Conservative government, but it will be one with a proper and undeniable mandate to do what the people of Britain instructed it to do,.

I think it is appalling that a general election has had to be called, but if it is the only way to ensure democracy still holds sway in the UK then it is undoubtedly necessary and those responsible for it becoming a necessity are going to be in for a nasty shock

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:48 am 
Rock Star

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the conservative govt. have not been defeated on any Brexit issue in parliament (only in the courts) They have a majority ,albeit only a small one. As they have at present a majority there is no need for another election.Their fear is that they could lose that majority if the MP's under investigation for electoral fraud are charged and convicted.

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:56 am 
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Ironic that some politicians are accusing Theresa May of lying about having a snap election. Originally, when she stated she wouldn't call a snap General Election, she possibly expected the various parties to be somewhat united in the country's front towards Europe, that basically looks to harm us. However, since then although so many, including The Conservative Party, and ordinary people like me, who voted against Brexit, have accepted the Brexit vote and want to get on with it. However, what is left of the Labour Party, and others, and including that witch from Scotland who wants only to promote herself, and obviously doesn't accept any referendum result( i.e. Brexit or indeed the Scottish referendum result), have tried to stab TM in the back, whilst offering absolutely nothing themselves. So TM has not lied. She has merely realised that the best option is to call a General Election, so that we can get on properly with our exit from Europe. I admire her guts to basically say she thought she had the backing of other politicians, but now knows the others are only seeking to look after their own selfish interests instead of doing the best for the British public.

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:03 am 

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The decision to trigger article 50 was always going to be approved (albeit reluctantly by many and actively opposed by others ), the terms of the Brexit deal are going to be the really contentious issues and would have been subject to an even greater series of delays and petty games by the usual suspects which would have been damaging for the country and constantly undermined the UK's negotiating position.

All this will be in the manifesto so there will be no doubt about which direction the UK government is taking and the stance it is going to adopt and hence no justification for the usual shenanigans that are the stock in trade of the juveniles masquerading as adults in political positions, or the self serving career politicians who are only in it for themselves

What MP's might or might not have been up to is a side issue that will be dealt with in the proper fashion- what we need are MP's that can deliver the referendum result and that is what we are going to get- mark my words :cheers

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:37 pm 
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Dave and Ilex - damned good posts :agree

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:58 pm 

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I thought the Labour Party had accepted the Brexit Vote :roll:


 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:03 pm 
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I wonder why people are so against a general election? Surely it will give them a chance to vote for a party (candidate) who espouses their views, particularly on Brexit which has caused so much upset and disagreement. Yet it seems the opposite is true.

And the Oscar goes to........

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:16 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:51 am
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This general election has the capacity not only to kill and pluck a few geese, it will allow May to stick them in the oven and take them out when they are nicely cooked -that is why so many are "opposed" to it, but the decent majority are not :crylaughin

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:27 pm 

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Possibly it's because many people believe it is nothing to do with the reasons she stated but because about 30 Tory MPs are more than likely about to be charged with corruption over election expenses and she could lose her majority so it's not for the benefit of the people or the country but for the good of the party; but no doubt people who believe that will be accused of being cynical. ;)


 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:10 pm 

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I was watching Parliament yesterday and one Tory MP ( can't remember her name) was rubbishing a lib dem MP because she said they were never there which made me wonder just how diligent some MPs are and it might be interesting to voters to know how many times they attend etc

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:26 pm 

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So what happens if it's true :shock: - the last election is null and void? the referendum was illegally called and therefore not binding despite the referendum being perfectly legitimately conducted?invoking Article 50 was therefore illegal and has to be retracted ? etc etc :roll: ? Grow up :roll:

We are about to have another general election in which all your and everyone else's fears and suspicions can be addressed with the individual perpetrators involved (although everyone is innocent until proved otherwise) but you can smell the fear in certain individuals postings here because May has just cooked your goose. There will still be a Conservative government and there will still be Brexit and the terms will be indisputable by whatever is left in the Commons and by the Lords who have pushed the electorate's patience as much as they dare

I wonder if everyone who was threatening the UK (and Gibraltar) and was inciting the UK to rise up and reject reject Brexit (really :roll: )and were wilfully throwing all sorts of brickbats in the way of Brexit would have done the same if they thought they would have to face the electorate for their ignorance and petulance and downright nastiness these last 9 months in just 7 weeks time, because that is exactly what is going to happen whilst it is still fresh in the electorate's minds, and that is why they are bricking it :lol:

Project Fear has come to nothing, Britain is doing very well, the establishment is now promoting we leave as opposed to terrifying us into trying to stay, the EU is in an even bigger mess than it was 8 months ago (if such a thing was even possible) the EU has sounded as bitter as bunch of inadequates as the Remoaners about a democratic decision made by the people of the UK and those who have spent the last 9 months clutching at straws are now clutching at fresh air - it's that simple.

Enjoy your goose, I'm sure TM and the British population will cook it perfectly for you ;) The individuals involved in the democratic process might be dodgy at times, but the principle far outweighs the flaws, the correction process for dealing with those who break the rules is there, and most sensible and decent people understand and accept that

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:00 pm 
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Jim B wrote:
Possibly it's because many people believe it is nothing to do with the reasons she stated but because about 30 Tory MPs are more than likely about to be charged with corruption over election expenses and she could lose her majority so it's not for the benefit of the people or the country but for the good of the party; but no doubt people who believe that will be accused of being cynical. ;)


It's up to the people to make it their benefit surely? isn't that the whole point of democracy and elections? Giving people the chance to effect change? So many people on these forums have been stating their opposition to Brexit and also saying that May had no mandate, she has now given the voting public the chance to rectify that, yet those Remainers who were vociferous in their opposition suddenly think it's wrong to have an election and are now desperately scrabbling around for reasons. Isn't this their chance to vote Labour in, as they are anti Brexit, or even the Lib Dems?

And the Oscar goes to........

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:01 pm 
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Clutching at straws Jim B.

So many bodies had stated their intentions to derail brexit by whatever means possible - purely in pursuit of their own partisan agendas - that TM (for the uninitiated that is Theresa May, the Prime Minister of the UK) had to take a grip on the process - and the rights - of democracy. She has done this in spades.

I'm pretty certain the resultant Tory manifesto will leave very few holes for the wreckers to vent their very peevish spleen, including the unelected Lords.

Another Iron Lady Not For Turning, just what the UK needs.

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:27 pm 

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Depending which party will now say they will support the WASPI ladies could really swing a vote in their favour by a couple of million quite easily.... and if their partners vote likewise, well - it's anyone's guess as to the outcome.


Busy exploring England's green & pleasant lands since May 2016 after 12yrs in Cyprus.
There appears to be a misapprehension I run a photography business... it's my passion as a hobby.
I sell and buy postage stamps!

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:51 pm 

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George wrote:
Clutching at straws Jim B.

I'm not clutching at anything and it's not me investigating the MP's, it's the Police; I just put forward another reason why May decided to go for an election and tell a pack of lies while doing it. If you're quite happy to put into power and be governed by a bunch of corrupt individuals well that's entirely up to you and your fellow voters. I'm not suggesting that either Labour or Liberal are whiter than white but at least it's not them who have been caught breaking the election rules.


 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:10 pm 

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Remainers: The referendum is only advisory. We need act of parliament to be democratic
*Act of Parliament passed*
Remainers: May has no mandate for hard Brexit, she wasn’t elected
*General election called*
Remainers: It’s not fair, Tories will win and we won’t get what we want because Reasons...

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:31 pm 
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If you are naive enough to think that whatever the Tory party are accused of it therefore means that Labour supporters are clean as a whistle, then you are a whole lot more naive than I ever gave you credit for Jim. Same goes for Lib Dums, SNP,............ like it or not, they all have the very same snouts in the very same troughs and truth will out.

It doesn't alter the fact that many other 'parties' were very intent on wrecking the brexit process purely for their own divisive reasons.

TM (and again, for the uninitiated that is Theresa May, PM of the UK) has thwarted this in the name of democracy by calling the election and I applaud that. If we don't have democracy then we might as well just go back to the Stone Age.

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:18 pm 

Joined: Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:22 am
Posts: 844


Please read the third sentence of my post.


 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:13 pm 

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George wrote:
If we don't have democracy then we might as well just go back to the Stone Age.

Or to Turkey, or Russia for that matter :puke

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:47 pm 
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George wrote:

If you are naive enough to think that whatever the Tory party are accused of it therefore means that Labour supporters are clean as a whistle, then you are a whole lot more naive than I ever gave you credit for Jim. Same goes for Lib Dums, SNP,............ like it or not, they all have the very same snouts in the very same troughs and truth will out.

It doesn't alter the fact that many other 'parties' were very intent on wrecking the brexit process purely for their own divisive reasons.

TM (and again, for the uninitiated that is Theresa May, PM of the UK) has thwarted this in the name of democracy by calling the election and I applaud that. If we don't have democracy then we might as well just go back to the Stone Age.

:goodpost Well said. After all, who wants a Labour party that didn't want to have a united effort at The EU bullies, and don't really want Corbyn as a leader anyway. The only person who could have pulled them round was David Milliband, but even then they chose his totally inept brother instead. Losers all round!

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:13 pm 
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Jim B wrote:
George wrote:
Clutching at straws Jim B.

I'm not clutching at anything and it's not me investigating the MP's, it's the Police; I just put forward another reason why May decided to go for an election and tell a pack of lies while doing it. If you're quite happy to put into power and be governed by a bunch of corrupt individuals well that's entirely up to you and your fellow voters. I'm not suggesting that either Labour or Liberal are whiter than white but at least it's not them who have been caught breaking the election rules.


Cannot resist saying that while you denigrate the voters in the UK who have to live here with all that is wrong, corrupt, etc, can I just remind you Jim B that you choose to live in a country that makes our corrupt MPs look like amateurs! Pot and kettle springs to mind. :uk

Last edited by beverley on Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:27 pm 

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That made me smile Bev!! :goodpost

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:31 am 
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beverley wrote:
Jim B wrote:
George wrote:
Clutching at straws Jim B.

I'm not clutching at anything and it's not me investigating the MP's, it's the Police; I just put forward another reason why May decided to go for an election and tell a pack of lies while doing it. If you're quite happy to put into power and be governed by a bunch of corrupt individuals well that's entirely up to you and your fellow voters. I'm not suggesting that either Labour or Liberal are whiter than white but at least it's not them who have been caught breaking the election rules.


Cannot resist saying that while you denigrate the voters in the UK who have to live here with all that is wrong, corrupt, etc, can I just remind you that you choose to live in a country that makes our corrupt MPs look like amateurs! Pot and kettle springs to mind. :uk

Beverley ,in all fairness to George, I think she was merely answering an accusation about British MP's that was made by Jim B.

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:21 am 
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We have taken into consideration that this is a very emotive thread and some people take their politics very seriously HOWEVER please play nicely!!! Overt or covert general ‘stirring’ or personal insults to members will not be tolerated. :greetings

Moira And Dave

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:53 pm 
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To Wavy Dave,
Hello there, have edited my previous post as it was not George I was commenting to.
Hello M A D
Am playing nicely.x

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:32 pm 
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beverley wrote:
To Wavy Dave,
Hello there, have edited my previous post as it was not George I was commenting to.
Hello M A D
Am playing nicely.x

That's good Beverley. Hope M.A.D recognises what you have said. :greetings

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:35 pm 

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Very difficult to find a country that isn't corrupt these days; the difference between the UK and Cyprus is that the Cypriots are more open about it. I'd love you to explain why you're suggesting I'm denigrating voters by saying they are putting their trust in a gang of (possibly) corrupt officials as I'm intrigued. As I said , that is entirely up to you but it is worth thinking about don't you think.


 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 5:50 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:51 am
Posts: 367
Politics and power attract corrupt people and politics and power corrupt honest people- as long as you can remove the corrupt and the corrupted through a proper democratic system the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

It's decent people insisting on proper democratic procedure and decent people abiding by democratic decisions that keep us all living in a fair and free society

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:32 pm 
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Jim B wrote:

Very difficult to find a country that isn't corrupt these days; the difference between the UK and Cyprus is that the Cypriots are more open about it. I'd love you to explain why you're suggesting I'm denigrating voters by saying they are putting their trust in a gang of (possibly) corrupt officials as I'm intrigued. As I said , that is entirely up to you but it is worth thinking about don't you think.


Hi Jim,
I would not disagree with your first comment.
I think you denigrate voters who vote Conservative ,"as they are all ( possibly) corrupt etc. "Politics are a personal choice and as such I would not dream of bad mouthing anothers choice of party despite my own opinions.
Hope this explains my comment to your satisfaction. :greetings

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:15 am 

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I'm just surprised that people are willing to vote for a known corrupt politician whatever the party; it just so happens the last batch caught were Conservative.


 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 9:01 am 

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If you were worried about the possible lack of integrity of MP's you would never vote at all :lol:

What you want from an MP is that they not only represent their constituency on a day to day basis, but that they also act in the best interests of their country as decided by the people of the UK. MP's at times will not always represent the wishes of their constituents in in order to follow or disobey a party line, because common sense will tell you that sometimes you need a united front to implement a decision made by the majority of the UK population, especially in a referendum voted for and approved by a parliamentary majority of 5-1

The current "scandal" relates entirely as to to how "battle bus" expenses are defined - we are not talking about MP's lining their pockets or acting knowingly dishonestly. It's not exactly Watergate is it :roll:

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 9:42 am 
Rock Star

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But it could have affected the result of the last election meaning there may not have been a referendum. Thus fraud affects the whole future of the UK.

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 10:07 am 

Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:51 am
Posts: 367
So basically anything to deny the people of the UK a referendum they have wanted and were promised even before Blair signed the Lisbon Treaty without holding one :roll: - don't you think you are being a bit hypocritical and inconsistent there :lol: -

If the UK votes in Corbyn at this election then the UK can easily change it's mind surely if he puts scrapping Article 50 in a manifesto, but somehow I don't think that is going to happen :roll:

Listen to this- I don't like Condell , but he is describing the behaviour of many on here to a tee, which is a rather sad thing to have to point out

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 10:19 am 
Rock Star

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No, basically to have an honest and fair election. It is why rules are in place to prevent overspending, break the rules and you have cheated.

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:12 am 

Joined: Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:22 am
Posts: 844
Ilex wrote:
If you were worried about the possible lack of integrity of MP's you would never vote at all :lol:

What you want from an MP is that they not only represent their constituency on a day to day basis, but that they also act in the best interests of their country as decided by the people of the UK. MP's at times will not always represent the wishes of their constituents in in order to follow or disobey a party line, because common sense will tell you that sometimes you need a united front to implement a decision made by the majority of the UK population, especially in a referendum voted for and approved by a parliamentary majority of 5-1

The current "scandal" relates entirely as to to how "battle bus" expenses are defined - we are not talking about MP's lining their pockets or acting knowingly dishonestly. It's not exactly Watergate is it :roll:


They knew the rules; what's the point of having rules if nobody takes any notice :roll:

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:31 am 

Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:51 am
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All rules are subject to interpretation- they may not have known they knowingly broke the law. If they have done so they will be punished accordingly.

In the meantime, if people are unhappy about what has happened they can vote them out in 6 weeks time and if people are really as unhappy about the vote to leave the EU they can take Tony Blair's advice and vote in a government of Labour, Lib Dems and the SNP to change things - that's real democracy in action, for all it's obvious flaws. The EU has said Article 50 can be reversed, so what harm has been done ?

Of course after every election in every decent democracy there is all sorts of scrutiny as to what might or might no have happened or what could be done differently to ensure things are done as perfect as they can be, and the winners of course will always be subjected to more scrutiny that the losers, but mature people work these things out and accept the flaws and move on :roll:

Maradonna famously handled a football once- that's now simply history, as is the last General Election

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:47 am 

Joined: Sun Aug 17, 2014 3:47 pm
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I am confused. (No snidey replies, please).

I thought that it is a UK parliamentary general election that had been called!

I did not realise that it was also a Scottish Assembly election as well.

Or have we just wandered off topic, again?

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:00 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:51 am
Posts: 367
Not sure where the Scottish Assembly comes in either? Of course Scotland does have a lot of MP's at Westminster and if the towering intellectual triumvirate of Corbyn, Farron and Sturgeon pull their resources (despite despising each other) then the Tories Brexit plans can be scuppered if the majority of the UK wants to change it's mind- a few more £100's billion can borrowed as well to keep everyone happy (although the UK will go down the toilet overnight)

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:11 pm 

Joined: Sun Aug 17, 2014 3:47 pm
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Ilex wrote:
Not sure where the Scottish Assembly comes in either? Of course Scotland does have a lot of MP's at Westminster and if the towering intellectual triumvirate of Corbyn, Farron and Sturgeon pull their resources (despite despising each other) then the Tories Brexit plans can be scuppered and a few more £100's billion borrowed to keep everyone happy (although the UK will go down the toilet overnight)

Hence my confusion!

I thought Sturgeon is the First Minister of the Scottish Assembly. I did not realise that she was also an MP in Parliament.

I always thought that Alex Salmon is leader of the SNP in Parliament.

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:13 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:51 am
Posts: 367
Correct, but she is the leader of the SNP which is the party represented by those 50 odd MP's who all have Scottish constituencies

If Scotland had any MP's in England we might have to make the difference a bit clearer, but i can't see that happening any time soon either :lol:

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:22 pm 

Joined: Sun Aug 17, 2014 3:47 pm
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Ilex wrote:
Correct, but she is the leader of the SNP which is the party represented by those 50 odd MP's who all have Scottish constituencies

If Scotland had any MP's in England we might have to make the difference a bit clearer, but i can't see that happening any time soon either :lol:

I just looked them up on the UK parliament site and noticed that he is NOT the leader. Just spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Europe..Some other person is the actual leader.

Goodness, what a shambles. To have a leader of a political party who does not even have a seat in Westminster. I suppose that was the same for UKIP as well.

No wonder people are confused about which way to vote when the waters are being muddied from people on the sidelines.

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 9:47 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:51 am
Posts: 367
I must confess I also thought Salmond was leader of the SNP MP's - I always knew Sturgeon was not an MP, but the leader of the SNP, Scottish First Minister and an SMP to boot (although I doubt she will be fondly remembered in any of those roles)

On a more serious note I cannot ever remember a perfectly held democratic vote being subject to such forensic examination as the Brexit one. We've had the advisory nature of the referendum challenged and voted down, we've had the legality of that voting down challenged and constitutionally overcome and we are now having the legitimacy of the election that brought about the referendum being questioned by all sorts of idiots who cannot see the game is up :lol:

In the meantime, whilst all this stupidity and filibustering has been going on in the UK we have an election going on in France where the ludicrous EU asylum policy, freedom of movement and the unworkable Euro has led to both fascists and communists gaining sufficient credibility to bring the entire European project crashing project down, whilst all the Remainers in the UK can see fit to question is the aforementioned battle bus expense row- it's simply pathetic :roll:

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 8:59 am 
Rock Star

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Goodness, what a shambles. To have a leader of a political party who does not even have a seat in Westminster
None of the leaders of the Scottish parties have a seat in Westminster.

 Post subject: Re: UK General Election
PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 11:35 am 
Rock Star

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Strange that none of the political parties promise to tackle Tax Avoidance, leads one to wonder why; too much to lose?

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