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 Post subject: Mason New Build Diary
PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 4:50 pm 
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By way of introduction, the picture below is the view from the plot, which is what attracted us to it in the first place:

We bought the plot last May. We were lucky enough to have a very good friend who works in the Polis office of Buysell. I make no apologies for the mention, as he is great. He sent me an email with this view before we came out and it immediately went on the top of the list, even though we had been hoping to find a resale property. Cutting to the chase, we loved it. We didn’t take the decision lightly and looked at many other places but we kept coming back to it. We had also done a lot of research into all the possible options for buying, and gleaned a lot of useful information from the various forums. I cannot emphasis more the importance of research. I had owned a property in Cyprus before, although 20 years before, so I had some knowledge.

Ineia is a village I have loved for over 20 years, as it is so untouched by mass tourism. Well, for the time being anyway. I hope it will remain so for some time yet. Finding a plot up there is almost like a dream come true. It is a 2000 sq.m. plot in the agricultural zone. This means that the building factor is 10%, and for those of you who don’t understand this it means that the largest house would be 200 sq.m. covered – and that has to include covered verandas. That was fine for us. We have gone for a 145 sq.m. house plus some covered verandas, which is more than adequate for just the two of us.

These are the photos of our first walk through the plot, which was very overgrown at the time and I was extremely nervous of any snakes!!! No sea view that day though - too hazy.

Next stage - off to our lawyers. We have a great lawyer and within a couple of weeks we had signed the contract, paid our money and obtained the title deed for the plot. Obtaining the title deed is very important, and the lawyer must check that the person(s) named on the deed is the person(s) selling it to you. They will also check that there are no outstanding mortgages or debts on the land.

The next thing was the builder. We chose our builder from recommendations. We spoke to several people who had used him and viewed their finished houses. All were very pleased with his company. More importantly, we liked him too. There has to be some trust and a good relationship if you are going to embark on this type of project. We had a similar experience with the builder we chose to do our barn conversion here. One of things we have ben impressed with (as opposed to many a Cypriot developer) was his knowledge of such things as damp proof courses, insulation and underfloor heating. Never assume that builders will automatically do such basic things as installing a damp proof course. Always check and double check, and make sure all of the specifications are included in the contract, but this is another subject.

As Pete is playing around with this forum, I will post so far and continue........... :lol:


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:17 pm 
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We had to deal with 2 contracts, one for the purchase of the plot and one for the construction. The contract for the plot was reasonably straight forward with clauses for (1) the seller making sure there are no encumbrances on the land (2) that the seller will not take out further loans (3) the seller will pay any outstanding taxes (4) that the seller covenants that is is possible to build a house of the specified size on the land. This last clause is the important one, and is followed up by one that states that if planning permission is refused the full purchase price will be refunded. However, I think that if this happened it would take an eternity to enforce under the Cyprus legal system. Finally, there is an attached Land Registry plan outlining the actual location of the plot and its registry number.

The construction contract is again pretty straightforward with regards to detailing the agreed stage payments, the term of the contract, the legal requirements of both parties and the penalties for late completion. Our contract is for 24 months. We have a clause where the builder has to pay us a fixed amount for each month the built is late. This is to cover rent whilst the property is completed. The provision of services is another important clause. Luckily we already have water but electricity will take some time as permission has to be got from everyone who owns the adjoinign land for the electricity authority to erect poles. This is very normal and nobody generally refuses, but sometimes it is hard to find out who exactly owns the land. Luckily our nearest neighbour is only a few hundred yards up the hill and they will come from theirs, so not too far. There is then a detailed technical specification list which forms part of the contract. This we thrashed out over several meetings until we were happy that everything was included. It is worth remembering that if something is not specifically mentioned you have no legal recourse if something was verbally agreeed. For example, don't assume that sanitaty fittings are included if they are not mentioned, nor anything else. We negotiated some "freebies" as well, which is common practice. I can drive a hard bargain when I want too :lol:

The next thing was to agree the design. We knew that we would have to come up with something traditional that the planners would agree to as the land is on the boundaries of the Akamas and we wanted a bungalow. We agreed on a flat roof design that would fit in with the village houses, but with very clean modern lines. It will be 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with open plan living/dining/kitchen areas plus 10x5m pool. We have some artist impressions from the architect engaged by the builders, but we have since changed some of the details. This is one of them:
and the floor plan (which is a little hard to make out)
We have extended considerably the terracing around the pool and are having an outside kitchen and bbq area. Also, the roof will overhang flat to give more natural shade. I am sure we will tweak it some more. I'm not too sure about the infinity pool either yet. The price we had negotiated was a good one for us. We had already got a price in mind and a budget, and the final negotiated price came in well under it so we are happy. Maybe I will spend the surplus on a few luxuries :wink:

So, by August we had all this agreed and we were ready to apply for planning permission. That is where we are at now. The official stand is that it takes an average of 6 months, but this is Cyprus. We had similar promises here in Wales and it took much longer than we expected. We have had meetings and email discussions with George, our builder, and have agreed certain extras. Again, negotiating on the price is a must so get quotes. If the builders think they will not get the work they will soon come down in price. We are having underfloor heating, because we have it now and I can't live without it. Another must in my opinion is some kind of insulation, of which there are many. I know how cold in can be in the winter and we are up high, so this is something we won't skimp on.

Our builder has been very pro-active really (apart from needing chivvying to answer emails - a truly Cypriot trait). He has suggested things that we had not thought of but by no way pushing us into anything. He has left us to do our own research and then decide. For example, the idea of a bore-hole. We will be looking into this.

I am sure I have left things out but they will come back to me. As planning permission has not been granted yet it may be some time until I update you. I am out for 2 weeks on 15th March so will see if there has been any progress personally. Fingers crossed there is a positive answer by then.


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:25 pm 
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)Well, that'll teach me to say bad things about people!!! Having said how bad George is at replying to emails, I have just got one from him to let me know that he and the architect have to meet with the planners tomorrow to discuss the plans. So we should know more by Monday. Apparently the goal posts have been moved by the powers that be in planning and meetings are now a requirement. I can see that this will cause even longer delays in processing applications. New building regulations also came into force last month, so some tweaking of the specs may be required. Just like the UK really!!!! Been there before. If I get good news on Monday I will report back (if George emails me that is :lol: :lol: )


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:36 am 
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I just thought there might be some interest in some of the "extras" we are considereing, or have considered.

Solar fly screens - stops around 65% of the sun's glare, keeping the house cooler in summer. They have a much smaller mesh that keeps out the noseeums. A very likely extra.

Salt generator for the pool - the jury is still out on this one.

Ground source heat pump - depends on cost.

Water purification system - a definate.

A woodburner - another definate.

Thermal pool cover - probable.

Grey water system - also probable.

Stamped concrete - yes.

Mesh fencing - to keep the snakes out and the dog in!!!!

Heated pool - a definate no. Very expensive to do. We always have the sea which stays warmer for longer.

These are the main ones we have looked at so far but I am sure something else will crop up.

No news yet on the meeting with planning. I will ring George on Tuesday if I don't hear from him.


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:20 am 
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Just a quick update on the planning meeting. It was postponed until this Friday, as George's OH decided to give birth last Thursday. I have to say that with all the excitement and stress of finally selling the house here this became a secondary priority. I have had it on good authority however that we are only awaiting the final sign off now, so we should be able to start building very soon. Will keep you posted, as there is not much more we can do about it - just wait, again.


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:14 am 
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Well, apparently the planning meeting went well on Friday but the planning officer wanted them to come back today when he will make his final decision. I am waiting on tenterhooks.


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:53 am 
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Quick update. The meeting went very well and the planning officer is quite happy with the plans. The only thing they haven't done is visited the plot. Their reason for this is that they could not get there "due to the weather conditions". :roll: :roll: Funny, I don't remember Verity saying anything about not be able to get home to Ineia at any time. Just typical government official excuses.

Still, he has promised it will be done asap and then the permit will be issued.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:01 am 
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Just a quick update - quick because there is not much to report.

I went along to the planning department last Wednesday to give the application a push. A good sign was that our file was put aside for urgent attention and the planning guy was off to land registry that morning. The only problem is that the road is marked on the official topographical plan for widening (at any time in the next 20 years) but the dotted line was blurred. The previous planning officer had written to Land Registry for clarification of where the line exactly lies but they had not replied. Apparently, once a letter has been written to another department the reply has to be in writing (more red tape) and it was explained to me that if the enquiry had been made on the phone or in person then a verbal reply would have been sufficient. There are no other problems with the application - all is approved - and I am told to expect permission within 15 days or this last issue being resolved (not sure what a Cypriot 15 days is though :roll: ).

One thing that amused me is that the guy ticked off my builder saying that when they visited the site there was no construction started. My builder said no, because we are following the rules!!!!! No permit, no building. So the moral here is that it is EXPECTED that developers will start building without planning permission, even by the planning department!!!


PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2008 1:41 pm 
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Now that we are here permanently I thought it was time to give this thing a push along.

We went along to planning and joy of joys we have our planning permission!!! All ready and waiting for us when we arrived there. George (our builder) is now busily getting the construction drawings done and so with luck we could be starting within the next couple of weeks. Think that might be Cypriot weeks though :(

We have visited the plot and it looks pretty much like it did a year ago. We know that the plot below us has been bought by Pafina but they haven't got a buyer for it yet. This is not a worry for us since it is considerably lower than ours and at such an angle that our view would not be spoilt. Also our plot is big enough for the house to be far enough away anyway. If we feel like doing some detective work we may go along to them posing as potential buyers to find out what kind of house they are planning to build there. I can't imagine it will be anything ghastly as our nearest neighbours (behind us) have a Pafina house and it is very nice indeed.

As soon as construction is under way I will be there with camera in hand to record the progress. So, watch this space...........


PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:20 pm 
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Well at last things are moving!!!!! I can't complain about the delay though as it was our fault. We have been investigating geo-thermal heat pumps and photo-voltaic solar systems so we needed more surveys. Think we have that sorted now and have just had a site meeting with the surveyors and engineers and marked out the house. We have decided to move it 9 metres further forward in the plot as there is a lot of stone and several protected trees on the rear boundary which would not have given us any space behind the house. It doesn't really affect the views so moving it isn't an issue. So....... the machines move in at the weekend to start the groundworks.....yippee!!!!! Hopefully I can then start to put up a few more photos as things progress. Needless to say we are very excited about this and the wait will seem more worth it.

I will update this diary now more frequently I hope, and hope it will give help or inspiration to anyone thinking about embarking on this type of project.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 3:11 pm 
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:celebrate :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate
Well, we had a JCB in our sitting room area yesterday and this is what they did :lol:
This is taken on entering the site.
It is so exciting to think that after more than a year things have actually started. They have levelled out the terrace where the actual house will sit and t some extent the lower terrace where the pool will be. I hope these photos give some idea but it is difficult to envisage without actually being on site.

This one is the view looking down on the site from the road.

This one is looking down on the house level from the rear.

This one is just at the entrance from the road.

If I am boring you already I am REALLY sorry but I am just so excited about this. It has been a long wait. I will try and keep to the minimum number of photos in future :greetings


PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:18 pm 
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Well at last we have a footprint - in spite of the fact that our builder had told us nothing would be done until after their holidays which end on the 21st August!!!! We have had meetings with the company who are going to install the geo-thermal and photo-voltaic systems and paid our deposit so things might be progressing now. They are going to drill a bore hole at the end of the month for the pipes, and we are hoping they find water at the same time. If they do we will have to cap it, have the water tested and then drill somewhere else for the pipes. So, for all of you who are not bored rigid yet, here are the latest pics.

The first one is taken from the road as you approach the plot from the rear:-

The next one is looking at the entrance area at the back of the house (or front depending on which way you look at things):-
The kitchen will be immediately to the right as you enter with the lounge/diner beyond across the front of the house.

The next is looking across towards the lounge area fron the bedroom area. Somewhere in this space is a large open terrace:-

This one is the reverse of the one above - from the lounge towards the bedrooms:-

I hope at the end of all this someone will be able to recommend a good landscape gardener as I get the feeling we are going to need one!!!!! There is so much rock to deal with, some as big as a house that appear to be holding the road up at the rear of the plot!!!!!! Maybe an engineer would be more appropriate :lol: It will depend on what is left in the budget kitty after we put in all these "green" systems.


PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:29 pm 
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Well, our builders are back from their holiday and they certainly haven't kept us waiting before the next stage!!! Maybe because the next stage payment isn't due until the skeleton is up.

On Monday they completed the steel for the base, and very impressive it was too. The "cage" that was constructed nearly filled the shuttering and was a three-layer framework, all tied in very securely with wire at each cross-piece. All completed in one day and without us even knowing. A chance visit to the site on Tuesday morning was the only way we knew. The damp-proof membrance (double) was also in place and we had a short site meeting with the engineer and a man from the swimming pool company to discuss the dymanics of the pool.

Today saw a convoy of cement lorries and a team of guys on site to deal with the delivery. Again, very impressive. The latest photos are below, taken from the road as it was impossible to get on site due to the number of vehicles down there. This has all happened by 10 this morning.




Just for Brian (Sevener) they were "tamping" the concrete (not sure if this is the correct technical term) but it will have to do :roll: There was a comment in the main forum last time I updated this saying that the base looked as if it was going to be very deep. Well, it was right. The base is very deep and based on others that I have seen being laid recently it is exceptional. So, so far so good. Very impressed.

Next week - the columns after the base is dry, and the site survey for the exact location of the bore-hole for the geo-thermal heat pump system. Will keep everything up to date as it happens (provided someone tells us it is happening :celebrate


PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:19 pm 
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Well, it has been awhile since I updated this diary and as I have had some enquiries from those of you interested I thought I had better get down to it again. Things have been very busy on the home front with visitors and social activities :wink: .

Ok, so after the concrete base was dry and cleared the columns were "shuttered" ready for the concrete.


Three days later and the cement had been poured and al the shuttering removed. Definately pushing for the next stage payment now!!!!!



One week on and the roof shuttering and insulation in the roof was complete. And no, it is not a photo of me on the "terrace", just a friend who came to have a look.




They are moving apace now and the concrete is finished a week later and the demand for the next stage payment arrived on the same day.




In case it can't be read, the text label on the 2nd photo above reads "swimming pool here", in front of the house near the far boundary of the plot.

This was all completed by the 4th October and I asked the builders to give me more notice next time for the stage payment, as we have to give notice to withdraw anything. Lo and behold I got the notification of the next stage being completed and payment due by 31st October. However, NOTHING has started yet on this next stage (brickwork), so I am not withdrawing any more yet.

We had a meeting on site last week whilst our friends were over with the builders and geo-thermal people. There are a few logistical problems that we have created by moving the house so they have to cut back a bit more of the bank at the back of the house so that they can get in with the machines to drill the borehole. I am quite pleased with that realy as it move the bank further away from the house. We have also decided that we are not going to have an infinity pool, as was shown on the original plans. We want to be able to access the pool from al sides and there is the issue of covering it. We are also adding roman-style steps to the pool, but square design to match the lines of the house, plus a hand-rail for disabled access (no, not for me yet :roll: ). We have also decided against stampted concrete as the drive will slope and our experience of stampted concrete ona sloping drive in this rented house is that it is lethal when wet. I am not sure I actually like it anymore anyway. It looks very artificial. So we have save ourselves some money there to spend elsewhere!!!!!

So, we will see if the brickwork is done on time - somehow I doubt it but you never know. They certainly seem to work very fast once they actually appear on site.

That's it for now then. Will update as and when.


PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:00 pm 
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Another quick update for you. The brickwork was started yesterday and at the rate they are going it may well be completed on time. There is a small glitch with a doorway we have moved but other than that all seems to be going according to plan and specification. The foreman will be sorting out the change to the plan today which will only mean bricking up a doorway they have left open, so no big deal really. Just goes to show though just how important it is to be here whilst the build is happening as it may have been more difficult to correct it if we had been in the UK and work had progressed further.

The photo below is just the site from the entrance as it was yesterday:


The cavity is being created and insulated as they go and I am pleased to see the thickness of both the insulation and the walls:



The dpc is also evident and is identical to the type we used on our barn conversion in Wales:


It is quite weird how a few walls give you a better idea of space. I will wait now until it is all completed and then post photos of the final result.


PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:13 pm 
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Well, exactly one week since the bricking started they have finished!!!!! I had a meeting today with the electrician and then the plumber so things are definately progressing. I have had to make decisions about where things are going, particularly in the kitchen and the lounge, plus where I want sockets. I REALLY hope I have got it all covered but we have done it before and if anything I ended up with far too many. Fingers crossed this time.

This is what the house looks like now as you enter the plot:-


The next 2 photos are both of the lounge, one looking out towards the patio doors and chimney, and the other looking behind towards the kitchen area (complete with wheel barrows at the moment :roll: ):-



This one I took from the upper garden area looking at the back of the house:-


The last one was taken on the open terrace which sits between the lounge area and the bedrooms:-


We have a man with a JCB coming at the weekend to cut the bank at the back of the house 1 metre wider, so that the guys can get in with the machinery to drill the borehole for the geo-thermal system. Hopefully that should start next week and that I have to see. I will hopefully be there when they start drilling, so photos to follow.

That's it for this week. More next week, then I suppose I may have to expect another delay :cry: .


PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:48 pm 
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Apologies today to anyone who has been waiting to see the next installment - which SHOULD have been the drilling for the borehole re geo-thermal system. Well, very sorry but you won't see it. To cut a very long story short, the company let us down badly. They held us up for weeks and we finally pulled the plug on the whole system. It has been a long 6 weeks of wrangling and negotiating and I won't go into the finer details, but will just say that you live and learn. And I bet there you were expecting the problems to be caused by the Cypriot builders!!!! Not a bit of it - they were most helpful and tried to mediate on their own time. In the end were were let down by a British company.

Anyway, onwards and upwards as they say. The plaster finish on the outside is complete, and it is so smooth I can't tell you. We decided against the grafiado textured finish as we wanted to keep the lines as smooth as possible, so a flat paint finish is what we want. We have met today with the plumber re the location of the vents in the ceilings for the A/C and specs of the underfloor heating. They are continuing to lay the service pipes, will dig the trenches for the drainage etc, and hopefully will be ready for tiling and windows at the end of the month. I am still keeping my fingers crossed for an end of May completion, but the delays caused by the geo-thermal mob may make this unreasonable. Weather permitting, we will see.

Anyway, only one photo this time which doesn't do the plaster finish justice.


More to follow soon now hopefully.


PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:57 am 
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Well it has been a while - and this is because it has been a while snce anything changed!!! The photo below is of the underfloor heating pipes that were in fact laid over a month ago, but the wet weather put paid to any change of the concrete screed being put down. However, as I write this, there is a concrete lorry on the plot pouring away!!!


I haven't been completely idle during this inactive period. I have chosen the tiles for the floor which will be laid when the screen is set. I have also chosen the wood for the kitchen cabinets as well as the granite for the worktops. I have even purchased the kitchen appliances in the sale and think I got a pretty good deal after a lot of shopping around. On the downside though I don't think the house will be finished now until late Summer, but never mind. We are OK in the rented house. We dn't want anything t be rushed just to get us in. We are still coming up with new requirements so we are as much to blame for any further delays, as these things have to be researched and sourced. Not the least of these is the UPVC windows which will hold things up again as we need to get the house closed in before much more can be done, and we are still undecided about which supplier to use.

On to the next chapter soon I hope. We will "inspect" the screed finish this weekend and await the tiling.


PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:07 pm 
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Yes, there seems to have been another period of inactivity. The occasional day where someone was actually on site. It took the tiler about 2 months to complete the tiling as he would only turn up occasionally and maybe only stay for about 2 hours. Hardly enough time to get his tools out ( :oops: ). Anyway, at last - the last few weeks have been all activity. I haven't been taking too many photos as I have been a bit busy. (Remember this person who retired over a year ago and was never going to work again? Well, I am now working 2 days a week and have had 2 months of solid work, which is not something I wish to repeat. 2 days suits me just fine).

So, back to the build. We had some lengthy negotiations regarding windows. We had decided that we definately wanted UPVC. The builder was going to arrange for various quotations as they did not really want to bring anyone they hadn't sourced on site. But after 2 months of nothing, we insisted that we at least contact someone we had heard about (with many thanks toi Chris - Judge). Lovely guy, came to measure and quote, left samples, met builder and they fortunately got on well, received quote that builder could not get close to for equivalent high-spec aluminium, gave him order and today - exactly 3 weeks after first meeting - he started fitting the windows which will be done by Tuesday. The windows are high-spec tropical quality so there should be no problem with the heat and sunlight. If anyone wants his contact details please send me a pm.

As for the tiling, there is still a little bit to finish in the bathroom. Had a mix up over the tiles, as the tiler half-tiled the guest bathroom with the wrong tiles, so after severe bo***cking from builder had to remove them and re-tile with the right ones. Am I glad that we were here and not in the UK!!!!!!!

All of the carpentry has been ready to go for the past month or so. The carpenter is SUPPOSED to be going in next week after the windows are finished to fit the kitchen and the wardrobes, along with the plasterer and painter. I CANNOT get my head around doing tiling and fitting windows before the final plaster finish is applied. Nor leaving the drainage works outside until the end. Groundworks on our barn in Wales were done first, not last. At least they have started on the retaining walls for the pool, but for the life of me I can't work out what that particular area is going to look like as the shuttering is such a strange shape.

We have been to Paphos today and have chosen the sinks and toilets for the bathrooms. If it is anything like the tiles it will probably take them another month to deliver them, but who knows.

I am now posting a few photos that I have taken:-

The first if the shuttering which is supposed to be for the retaining walls for the pool

The next one is on the outside front terrace, showing the construction of the external chimney. This will be stone faced, which has been started but again 3 bits of stone applied then no-one on site since (from last week)

This next 2 show the outside terrace and bbq area which sits between the bedroom "wing" and the living areas


Now the lounge area - with the beautiful tiling covered with debris. I have it on good authority ( :? ) that all will be cleaned up perfectly

Now the bathrooms - first the en-suite "wetroom"

And finally the guest bathroom

Well, I think that is just about it and now all up to date. Hopefully we are still on target for late Summer, although I am sure that if they actually managed to get bodies working on site every day it would be finished by the end of July.

I will update next week when the windows are completed, and perhaps even the kitchen!!!!


PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:51 am 
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Another six weeks, and hopefully not too many more now. Of course it is now August shutdown, and I am back in the UK for a wewk at the end of this month and will miss their first week back at work.

So, what a change. We have windows (UPVC), 90% of a kitchen, internal doors and the wardrobes are also nearly complete. Plastering is done, one coat of paint and a lot of the 2nd fix electrics. The estimated completion date is late October. I am now really beginning to see it as a house and not a building site, although if I showed you photos of the outside you would know how much of a building site it is. Or rather a rubbish dump.

I will let the photos speak for themselves, but I can't tell you how excited I am over the last 6 weeks' progress.

Various kitchen:




And wardrobes and doors:




That's it for now. Granite and kitchen appliances at the end of the month hopefully, and swimming pool!!!!! Too late for this season though :cry: . Never mind.

Soon be finished and then I hope someone else will start another diary.


PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:07 pm 
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WOW Tina
you must be getting excited now,
it looks like its taking shape

Whilst the optimist and the pessimist argued that the whisky glass was either half full
or half empty ? .
I drank it .....
The opportunist..

PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 6:18 pm 
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Welllllllllllllllll, we are supposed to be in by the end of this month. In fact I nearly fell over laughing when our builder told me this morning that the house should be ready to lock up finished inside by the end of the week. NO CHANCE I say - but I may be proved wrong. It has been a hive of activity but not much visible to the camera. Bathrooms are plumbed in, kitchen is on its way (albeit absolutely and horribly dirty). Pool skeleton is in. Lots of things scheduled for this week.

A few pics to add - note the kitchen with lime-green tiles which our builder has threatened to pull of the wall as they are not beige!!!! They want everything to be beige and I wanted some colour. He thinks I am mad - maybe I am?????


The rest speak for themselves:





I hope you all have your fingers crossed for me for the end of the month. In the meantime, on with deciding what furniture I need to sell as I have ordered new stuff (don't tell Guy lol). :roll:


PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 6:25 pm 
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Tina - I just loooovvvveeee the lime green tiles - and you are right, you need a splash of colour! Love the fireplace too, and will be very jealous of that in the winter time. :lol: You will be surprised how quickly it will now take shape, and if not the end of this week, then not too long now.


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:48 am 
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looking good , looking very good ..
I feel a house warming party coming on :wink:

Whilst the optimist and the pessimist argued that the whisky glass was either half full
or half empty ? .
I drank it .....
The opportunist..

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:54 am 
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Not til next year Neil - will wait for better weather and a garden!!! You will just have to wait :cry:


PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:32 am 
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Just a few pics to update you - all unfortunately taken over a week ago, and the change since then has been dramatic.




The retaining wall in the photo is now finished, the pool area is concreted, the soping stones around the pool are done and the tiling has started. There is also a lot of work being done to the bank at the back of the house.

It has been manic the last week or so. We are actually moving in :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: on Thursday. Can't tell you how excited I am. The outside will not be finished by a long way, but the house will be. Virtually finished now and we have already moved some stuff in. All we need now is the water to be connected and some electricity - minor details of course :roll: .

Will update more photos after Thursday, whenever we get back online. Nearly the end of the diary now so you won't have to read it anymore!!!!!!


PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:50 pm 
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its looking very good Tina

Whilst the optimist and the pessimist argued that the whisky glass was either half full
or half empty ? .
I drank it .....
The opportunist..

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