Paphos People

Big day then for the USA and Mr T.
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Author:  M.A.D [ Fri Jan 20, 2017 12:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

Big day then for the USA and Mr T. No not that one, :doh the other one :lol:

Not that they're worried about anything happening in Washington of course, that’s why they only have 28,000 security guards on duty.

Author:  Neil [ Fri Jan 20, 2017 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

anti trump protests already started ..
they aint doing the countries street cred any good ..

he was voted in , just suck it up .

Author:  kato paphos [ Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

Clinton got 2.8 million more votes than Trump

Author:  M.A.D [ Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

President Elect Trump arriving in new Presidential Limo :lol:

Author:  Josef K [ Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

I actually wouldn't be surprised.


Author:  beverley [ Fri Jan 20, 2017 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

I think that the USA and the rest of the world are in for an interesting time.
I am still amazed that the best America could offer the electorate was Trump and Clinton !

Author:  M.A.D [ Fri Jan 20, 2017 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.


Author:  M.A.D [ Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

Childproof lock added to White House nuclear launch button

After President Trumps inauguration speech, the Pentagon has announced and is is confident is has averted Armageddon after fitting a new childproof lock to the nuclear launch button in the Oval Office.
International concerns have been heightened in recent days following comments made on social media by the new President, and senior members of the US military confirmed they’ve moved to reduce tensions by fitting a cap to the red button which requires two arrows to be lined up and squeezed before it will come off.
The move has already been hailed as the greatest contribution to world peace since the SALT II arms reduction treaty in 1979.
An extra layer of security has been added by making the nuclear launch code the same as the President-elect’s tax code, which he has thus far proven incapable of remembering.
Countries around the world will be pleased to learn that it will be slightly more difficult for the new President to initiate the apocalypse than it is for him to open a jar of aspirin – so panic over guys. :lol:

Author:  geoffreys [ Sun Jan 22, 2017 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

kato paphos wrote:
Clinton got 2.8 million more votes than Trump

So what?
Their Electoral College System doesn't depend on "raw" votes.
The UK system of first past the post has problems also.
I think both Countries should adopt PR.
However, one Professor in USA reckons with PR Trump would still have won.
Give the guy a chance for cris-sakes!

Author:  Pete G [ Sun Jan 22, 2017 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

geoffreys wrote:
kato paphos wrote:
Clinton got 2.8 million more votes than Trump

So what?
Their Electoral College System doesn't depend on "raw" votes.
The UK system of first past the post has problems also.
I think both Countries should adopt PR.
However, one Professor in USA reckons with PR Trump would still have won.
Give the guy a chance for cris-sakes!

This map of the 2016 vote by county shows why the Americans use the Electoral College system

US vote by county.jpg

Well, that and the fact that the guys in the red areas

a) Tend to be distrustful of federal authority
b) Usually have a large gun collection

Author:  M.A.D [ Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

Can't argue with the facts :crylaughin

Author:  Fylde Filly [ Sun Jan 22, 2017 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

Interesting to see all those empty seats at the first church service yesterday.... It was standing room only when Obama went to his first one.
And in some places yesterday those women against Trump had bigger crowds than watching the inauguration ceremony viewings.

He is not a well liked man. Interesting times ahead.
Personally, I hope he makes a complete shambles of it....

Even up to yesterday the Presidency website provides a link to his wife's business website although he is supposed to be far removed from business he has any involvement with.

It's as if it's all a big game to him. Another TV show in the making....

Author:  SFD [ Sun Jan 22, 2017 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

Fylde Filly wrote:
Interesting to see all those empty seats at the first church service yesterday.... It was standing room only when Obama went to his first one.
And in some places yesterday those women against Trump had bigger crowds than watching the inauguration ceremony viewings.

He is not a well liked man. Interesting times ahead.
Personally, I hope he makes a complete shambles of it....

Even up to yesterday the Presidency website provides a link to his wife's business website although he is supposed to be far removed from business he has any involvement with.

It's as if it's all a big game to him. Another TV show in the making....

Quote :- " all those empty seats at the first church service yesterday". Maybe, not so many rely on myths anymore
Quote :- "And in some places yesterday those women against Trump had bigger crowds than watching the inauguration ceremony viewings"Photographers can be very selective.
Quote :-"Personally, I hope he makes a complete shambles of it" So, you don't believe in democracy ?

Author:  beverley [ Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

SFD wrote:
Fylde Filly wrote:
Interesting to see all those empty seats at the first church service yesterday.... It was standing room only when Obama went to his first one.
And in some places yesterday those women against Trump had bigger crowds than watching the inauguration ceremony viewings.

He is not a well liked man. Interesting times ahead.
Personally, I hope he makes a complete shambles of it....

Even up to yesterday the Presidency website provides a link to his wife's business website although he is supposed to be far removed from business he has any involvement with.

It's as if it's all a big game to him. Another TV show in the making....

Quote :- " all those empty seats at the first church service yesterday". Maybe, not so many rely on myths anymore
Quote :- "And in some places yesterday those women against Trump had bigger crowds than watching the inauguration ceremony viewings"Photographers can be very selective.
Quote :-"Personally, I hope he makes a complete shambles of it" So, you don't believe in democracy ?


He should be given the benefit of at least seeing what he manages to do before condeming the man.
The media has a lot to answer for, they twist everything in order to get a story and then some.
I hope for the US and the rest of the world he doesn't make a shambles of it.
So much negativity is fuelling hatred and failiure.
Good luck Mr.President, you are going to need it.
Good luck Mrs.May, you too need it.
Optimism is what the world needs now, not the downing of everything that the narrow minded cannot cope with.

Author:  SFD [ Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

beverley wrote:
SFD wrote:
Fylde Filly wrote:
Interesting to see all those empty seats at the first church service yesterday.... It was standing room only when Obama went to his first one.
And in some places yesterday those women against Trump had bigger crowds than watching the inauguration ceremony viewings.

He is not a well liked man. Interesting times ahead.
Personally, I hope he makes a complete shambles of it....

Even up to yesterday the Presidency website provides a link to his wife's business website although he is supposed to be far removed from business he has any involvement with.

It's as if it's all a big game to him. Another TV show in the making....

Quote :- " all those empty seats at the first church service yesterday". Maybe, not so many rely on myths anymore
Quote :- "And in some places yesterday those women against Trump had bigger crowds than watching the inauguration ceremony viewings"Photographers can be very selective.
Quote :-"Personally, I hope he makes a complete shambles of it" So, you don't believe in democracy ?


He should be given the benefit of at least seeing what he manages to do before condeming the man.
The media has a lot to answer for, they twist everything in order to get a story and then some.
I hope for the US and the rest of the world he doesn't make a shambles of it.
So much negativity is fuelling hatred and failiure.
Good luck Mr.President, you are going to need it.
Good luck Mrs.May, you too need it.
Optimism is what the world needs now, not the downing of everything that the narrow minded cannot cope with.
Sensible reply, Beverley.
A pity that some others cannot see it.
Pull together, fairly, to succeed ... pull apart, with animosity, to destroy !
No other options !

Author:  Pete G [ Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

Fylde Filly wrote:
And in some places yesterday those women against Trump had bigger crowds than watching the inauguration ceremony viewings.

Yes it was noticeable, wasn't it

I put it down to the same reason as left wing demonstrations are much better attended in the UK than right wing ones.

That's the problem with having the inauguration on a Friday, most of the Republicans would have been at work :)

Author:  Bossy Boots [ Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

:goodpost Excellent post Bev! Agree wholeheartedly!!

Author:  Fylde Filly [ Sun Jan 22, 2017 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

The photo on the left of Obama's inauguration was taken on Tuesday Jan 20, 2009, at approximately 11 a.m. ET and the photo on the right of Trump's inauguration was taken one hour later on Friday Jan 20, 2017 at approximately 12 p.m. ET.


By the time Trump took his oath of office, temperatures were in the mid-40s and approaching the 50 degree mark, according to ABC News meteorologist Melissa Griffin. The sky was cloudy, and the rain held off until the 45th president began his inaugural address.
Eight years ago, during Obama's inauguration, it was a frigid 28 degrees Fahrenheit, with wind chills in the mid-teens, according to Griffin. ... d=44927217

Author:  beverley [ Sun Jan 22, 2017 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

Fylde Filly wrote:
The photo on the left of Obama's inauguration was taken on Tuesday Jan 20, 2009, at approximately 11 a.m. ET and the photo on the right of Trump's inauguration was taken one hour later on Friday Jan 20, 2017 at approximately 12 p.m. ET.


By the time Trump took his oath of office, temperatures were in the mid-40s and approaching the 50 degree mark, according to ABC News meteorologist Melissa Griffin. The sky was cloudy, and the rain held off until the 45th president began his inaugural address.
Eight years ago, during Obama's inauguration, it was a frigid 28 degrees Fahrenheit, with wind chills in the mid-teens, according to Griffin. ... d=44927217

Could it also be that the electorate that voted for him are among the poorest and most deprived areas of the US and could not afford to attend?
Food for thought.

Author:  SFD [ Mon Jan 23, 2017 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

beverley wrote:
Could it also be that the electorate that voted for him are among the poorest and most deprived areas of the US and could not afford to attend?
Food for thought.

I don't think that thought crossed the minds of the Clintonites or the biased media !

Author:  tanny [ Mon Jan 23, 2017 8:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

Or could it just all be the fore runner of the next J F Kennedy type scenario. Trump watch your head from all angles.....

Author:  M.A.D [ Mon Jan 23, 2017 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

I am not a Clintonite or a Trumper, (Doesn't this remind you of another recent thread?) :grin: I just can't quite fathom how either came out on top from a country of Circa 320 million people. :doh

Author:  KG [ Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

The long shadows in the foreground of the left picture suggest that the photograph was taken much later in the day than 11.00am. There are no shadows in the right picture to compare.

Author:  SFD [ Mon Jan 23, 2017 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

KG wrote:
The long shadows in the foreground of the left picture suggest that the photograph was taken much later in the day than 11.00am. There are no shadows in the right picture to compare.

There was more security checks done than 4 years before, which would slow access to the viewing areas.
Photos were taken a long time before the event, which could fill within that period..... e.g. Think how quickly the Mall can fill, during Buckingham Palace events in London.
Comparing the still photos to the videos & TV footage seem to be 'at odds'.
I prefer to rely on the evidence of the footage showing the audience, taken from the event stage.

Author:  kato paphos [ Mon Jan 23, 2017 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

KG wrote:
The long shadows in the foreground of the left picture suggest that the photograph was taken much later in the day than 11.00am. There are no shadows in the right picture to compare.

So your conspiracy theory suggests that the picture on the left was taken much later than the picture on the right .... and that if the picture on the right had been taken several hours later we would have seen a bigger crowd ... maybe a million to a million and a half?

Author:  Bossy Boots [ Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

Oh for goodness sake!! Does it really matter who had more spectators? Suffice to say that they both had a lot - reminds me of my husband when he accuses me of giving myself a slightly larger slice of cake!!

Author:  kato paphos [ Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

Bossy Boots wrote:
Oh for goodness sake!! Does it really matter who had more spectators? Suffice to say that they both had a lot - reminds me of my husband when he accuses me of giving myself a slightly larger slice of cake!!

It shouldn't matter at all. But Trump seemed very miffed that he had few spectators than Obama and went off on one claiming the press had falsified the size of the crowds ...

but why someone with the lowest approval ratings of any incoming president should expect a big crowd is beyond me

Author:  KG [ Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

kato paphos wrote:
KG wrote:
The long shadows in the foreground of the left picture suggest that the photograph was taken much later in the day than 11.00am. There are no shadows in the right picture to compare.

So your conspiracy theory suggests that the picture on the left was taken much later than the picture on the right .... and that if the picture on the right had been taken several hours later we would have seen a bigger crowd ... maybe a million to a million and a half?
As usual you interpret what I wrote to suit your own prejudices. I merely suggested that evidence from the picture suggests it was photographed later than claimed. You don't get long shadows like that an hour before noon. We have no idea when either of the photographs were actually taken. They are just part of the constant barrage of anti-Trump propaganda by the forces of liberalism who espouse democracy, but reject it when they are not actually winning.

Much has been made of the implication that the crowds were different - so what? Trump was elected by the rules that apply in the USA. If no-one turned up at his inauguration he would still be president.

Author:  George [ Mon Jan 23, 2017 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

If you click on the link Fylde Fillyprovided with the picture it tells you that the pictures were taken an hour apart, as it does above the pictures.

Author:  KG [ Mon Jan 23, 2017 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

I know what it says, but that doesn't necessarily make it true. Just for fun, this one really was taken during the inauguration itself - captured from the inaugration video.


and this is the sparsely populated part in the background, shown in the earlier images


Author:  SFD [ Mon Jan 23, 2017 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

KG wrote:
I know what it says, but that doesn't necessarily make it true. Just for fun, this one really was taken during the inauguration itself - captured from the inaugration video.

Correct KG.
As I said, I relied on the live video film ... not biased still photos !

Author:  George [ Tue Jan 24, 2017 4:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

But surely these are close up pics close to the inauguration area? Not the long range views provided by the other pictures? Surely obvious that these areas are by default going to be crammmed full??

Author:  KG [ Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

The second picture is the area fom the top left corner of the first picture, in front of the Washington monument - the area covered by the original questionable pictures. It looks pretty crowded to me. - Take a look at

Frankly I would like to hear a UK politician make a similar speech. It would have irritated the establishment figures who have been abusing power for their own self interest. He is right to put America first. Putting the needs of Britain first would make a welcome change for UK politicians.

Author:  George [ Tue Jan 24, 2017 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

According to a 'crowd scientist' Spicer was lying ... 41406.html

Author:  SFD [ Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

George wrote:
According to a 'crowd scientist' Spicer was lying ... 41406.html

Evidently, "the crowd scientist" (?) did not take account of the actual videos ! :crylaughin

Author:  George [ Thu Jan 26, 2017 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

No axe to grind on this whatoever, no idea uf numbers were reduced or not but, don't think that's quite right SFD

"Mr Altenberg said: “We compared thousands of images from different sources. We followed seven live feeds just to get an idea of the spreading of the crowd and then we compared them, to look at the density.

“What’s interesting about this is they compared the view from the Capitol and this is a distorted image. We compared several angles, several images which they couldn't see, actually, from this one perspective.”

That view was distorted, he said, because “I can’t see behind people. I can’t see if there’s room. But if we walk around the people as we did with our images we can see there’s nothing behind it.”

Author:  SFD [ Thu Jan 26, 2017 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Big day then for the USA and Mr T.

George wrote:
No axe to grind on this whatoever, no idea uf numbers were reduced or not but, don't think that's quite right SFD

I had three live feeds on, from the beginning of their transmissions.
BBC on TV, Sky on my laptop and CNN on my main computer (all within the range of my peripheral vision)..
I prefer to believe my own eyes ( and I don't need Specsavers).
And, in case anyone thinks that could be noisy .... I was only listening to the Sky feed. :roll:

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